untitled(in the beginning we had the family and at the end we will have the family. you can’t reason with the family. you can’t reason with the head of the table. we will have the family on mars. we will fornicate on the red planet and populate it. we will fornicate with the martians and have the martian and human family.)
Uncategorizedthe frost giant was not seeing where he was. he didn’t know how he got there. he was in the desert. the desert wasn’t his climate. he was in nature. he had a meeting with elon musk. he didn’t believe in the future. he thought everything had already happened. they saw he was not the one who knew what was coming. he was someone else. he wanted to make them happy. the frost giant said he loved them like a sociopath who tells everyone what they want to hear and then molests them. they wanted to know if he had seen the one. he said he had even though he hadn’t. they asked what the one they were waiting for who knew what was coming said. he said that the one they were waiting for said he was having meetings. he said the meetings are located between nature and society. they wanted to know what was said at the meetings. he didn’t know. he said he met with other men and women like himself. they didn’t believe what he said about the one they were waiting for. they threatened to hurt him. he didn’t know where to go. they said he was free to go where he wanted.
elon musk appeared from a sand cloud.
i’m a frost giant i said. i was made from ice water. i’m evil. i never stopped growing. i never found my place. they assassinated my father’s character. they used my father’s skull to make the earth. the current government is a family. the head of it is a giant shape shifter. he hates the poor. we don’t need senators or lawyers to represent us. we can think for ourselves.
i want to colonize mars in my lifetime, elon musk said.
what about mother earth, i said.
you’re an idiot frost giant, elon musk said. why am i even talking to you.
i have written you into my novel, i said.
this is a novel, elon musk said. it reads like mental illness.
don’t you think the mentally ill should have a voice, i said.
you realize that i’m a scientist, elon musk said.
i thought you’re a car salesman, i said.
i made the tesla, elon musk said.
yes amanda said you made the tesla, i said. she said it doesn’t have an engine.
she said that, elon musk said.
yes, she said it, i said.
in the beginning we had the family and at the end we will have the family. you can’t reason with the family. you can’t reason with the head of the table. we will have the family on mars. we will fornicate on the red planet and populate it. we will fornicate with the martians and have the martian and human family.
the family is obsolete i said. we only want exchange.
what do you do, musk said.
i walk and i ask questions, i said.
thoreau walked for four hours everyday, musk said.
he had time for walking, i said. i think he was a homosexual. he had a need to separate himself. he didn’t want to cheat anyone.
i’ll sue you for slander, elon musk said. i have a good reputation.
don’t worry my novel doesn’t exist, i said. it doesn’t make money.