To reach my doc’s office I walked on the right side of the street where the
bedraggled disbanded. I saw the same man with the same pair
of shiny leather converse sneakers. I never looked at his face. I only
looked at his irregular feet.They were bent outwards.They were rapid and uncomplicated. I looked
forward to them every week. On my walk back from the doc’s office
I saw the same white Toyota Corolla that belonged to a young woman who
entered an adult entertainment establishment where you have to climb four flights of stairs and ring a bell that has the words written in Sharpie marker: ring this bell and a model will be with you shortly. She carried a make up case and a blanket/towel. She had a pimp/boyfriend who had long hair, and a large straight nose that had a bump near its bridge. When I last saw him with her he wore a blue wool hat. I did not like the looks of him. She kissed him like he’s her man. I saw him with other women not unlike herself maybe not as slender. I had been looking for the opportune moment to tell her about his other women and I did so when I paid to view her in a private room.
She was naked and asked for me to join her on a piece of foam.
I can’t have you undress, she said. You can take off your coat.
I need to talk to you about your man, I said.
I don’t have a man, she said. What would you like me to do?
I looked at the NY times I had filed under my armpit to remember the day month and year. It was April 25 2012.
It’s April 25, I said.
I’m twenty five, she said.
You look younger, I said.
How old do I look.
How old is the man with the blue hat and long hair you kissed before going to work.
What do you want? she said.
I have seen him with other women.
His name is Y, I said. He has been tied to two women who have disappeared.
The doc had left the door of his car open. It unnerved me that his secretary had to point it out to him.