ZOUCH PUBLIC HOUSE Shut Down by the London Riot Squad!
Culture, NostalgiaWhen ZOUCH Magazine & Miscellany was a younger publication we experimented with building our very own social network. After growing our membership to 100, we realized that the endeavor was taking crucial time away from our important work on the magazine, and that it was complicating our message. Then, all of the sudden our fair pub got shut down by the bizzies!
It’s no great loss because ZOUCH is really about syncing up the messages of independent artists and writers to the whole world. We must focus on that mission, and not frolic for too long in pubs! Administrating the pub was a very worthwhile learning experience for us editors. We’d thank those of you who participated. Look for content salvaged from the pub to appear on ZOUCH in the coming weeks.
Our most prolific community member was Bernard Shaw. Take a look at his literature website. Bern posted over 200 original works in the Zouch Pub (which you can still see on his website), and we’re going to miss him. He also posted one video:
“Snapshots of the days where I worked damned hard to earn a living” – Bern
The following poem was attached:
Yes Eighty pounds of Steam we need,
So shovel that coal, Till your hands bleed.
Open the Dampers, Open them wide,
Let the Fans roar get draught inside.
Coal shall burn until it is Slack,
You will shovel to break your back.
Two thousand patients, Perhaps a few more,
In this hospital of ours that’s a small score.
So Stoker shovel till the Hi Lo’s blow,
Keep the pumps going the water is low.
Take up your rake pull the clinker out,
Quick with that barrow the fires going out.
The Laundry is complaining there is no steam,
You haven’t got time to stand and dream.
In the ward the Patients are having a bath,
But you in your dirt haven’t time to laugh.
In the kitchen they’re busy cooking the dinner,
So give them that Steam you miserable sinner.
In the operating theatre the Surgeons skill,
Can save a patient with your good will.
But he needs that steam, You Mothers son,
So get on that shovel let the sweat run.
Eighty pounds to the square inch, no more,
Throw in that coal let the fires roar.
Run you poor devil there’s no time to walk,
The clarifier needs salting to get rid of the chalk.
Put on the kettle, time to brew up,
Eat a quick Sandwich, have a sweet cup.
Then back to those fires, Shovel those coals,
For depending on you over two thousand souls.

You're a true Zoucher Bernard! We wish you the best!
Bern is over eighty years old and still going strong!
p.s. he loves to receive fan email: [email protected].