artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Christ from the Bible  and facebook like button

Emmanuel Laflamme is an original member of the ZOUCH creative community. I met up with him recently at a pub in Le Plateau-Mont-Royal in Montreal.

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Jesus Christ and Santa Claus

He was painting the following live in front of a small crowd:

We chatted over a pint of bitter about our creative work, and what our shared vision might be.

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Mary and nuclear fallout

I feel exalted to be working with Laflamme, and to see his work evolving from a demonstration of rare talent into an explosion of mastery.

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Mary Christ and the Bible

This work is award-winning.

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring religious aliens

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Moses and the Bible

Hindu artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Adam and Eve

artwork by Montreal artist Emmanuel Laflamme featuring Christ in a video gameView the artist’s gallery at