Life by Hussein Kinoko
Sadly Walking along the long beach.
Hardly thinking what life still has to teach.
Life will still suprise you even if you saw Jesus preach.
Time changes and so life, where is Martin Luthers Jr’s speech?
People get hurt and lose hope to love again.
People fear to start and fail to cope with the pain.
Its all Life, have faith and move on again and again.
Bury the pain and strive, its the only way to sustain.
Life can make you be anything, notably begins with you.
Life can give you everything, amazingly out of no clue.
Life can take away everything, and hold you back stuck on glue.
Life give chances, when you fall in one try the two.
People Lose jobs, ornaments and lovely relatives.
Others get jobs, achievements and money archives.
Its all life, peoples circumstances are all reciprocal.
Everything emerges, have faith and trust Gods Plans.