{Poetry} Forever Young (Since 1993) + 2 poems
Literature, PoetryForever Young (Since 1993)
Born in the year of raptors
with rage issues, blinking
youthful poetry stars wine ring
their beat-up paperbacks
on furniture stumps
in their first sex apartment
Morrissey’s heir apparent
egos bigger than
Thanksgiving potato plates
Rimbaud’s wooden leg Ikea bed
has coasters under it so it
doesn’t wobble too much
next to a Nevermind night lamp
Do the laundry
And the irony
Thanksgiving Ocean
Her family was in heat
it was award season
the twin sons flexed
and brought in enough peas
for thirty taut mouths
the daughters took turns
with glazed polo mallets
on a long table of walnuts
in between lines of chalky cocaine
and sang the familiar chorus
we all were forced to memorize
the two caged gazelles howled along
as the yacht began to vibrate
and sail into the purple moon.
The Last Ski Jump
In his sociopath suit
and Goldie Hawn smile
he wrote a letter
to redeem his thoughtlessness
when he said perfumed ladies
made men’s clothes irreparable
this was right before the surgery
that upgraded his beta eye to VHS
and he apologized
with carbohydrates where upon
she took back her ice cream
as they packed up the last boxes
to be shipped to the vision art
corpuscle of Los Angeles.