It was just six months ago at the Paul Kasmin Gallery that Mark Ryden unveiled his “Gay 90’s Old Tyme Show“, with wild acclaim. A new book has since been released, a few book signings here and there, and now this new painting has surfaced:

Awakening the Moon” was painted for the Frieze Art Fair that took place in London, October 14th through the 17th. It’s a shining example of why Ryden is one of the artists who always draws a large crowd. The painting is dripping with symbolism, and sports an altar-style frame that he rarely uses– the last time seems to be with “The Ringmaster” (just below)

Get a peak at Ryden’s process in this cool time lapse video of the painting of “Incarnation” : The slideshow below features most of the available art books & music by Mark Ryden:

See the whole of this artist’s eerie & beautiful otherworld on Mark