nanny five handed the white baby to nanny four. nanny four handed the baby to nanny three. nanny three handed the baby to nanny two. nanny two handed the baby
baby to nanny one. nanny one handed the baby to nanny two. nanny two handed the baby to nanny three. nanny three handed the baby to nanny four. nanny four handed the baby to nanny five.

nanny five had two young children of her own. she was a surrogate mommy for a psychiatrist on madison avenue. she was shaking the baby. nanny four took the baby from nanny five and gave it to nanny three.

nanny three wanted to be a psychiatric nurse practitioner. she burped the baby.

nanny two was a sexworker. she had her own dungeon and a partner she said was her master. she was progressive and didn’t like anyone telling her what she could and could n’t have in her body. she went into the other room to get a baby of her own. she was tired of passing the one baby. she thought the brown baby she had was better looking than the white baby not because it was brown, it was its roundness that she preferred.

nanny one was a heroin smoker. she wanted to be a dental hygienist. she felt like she was a fraud not liking babies. she used to be a stewardess. her face looked like it hurt.
she had a mouth that was like pantyhose pulled over a face.

nanny one and nanny three passed the white baby like a football. nanny four forgot to raise her hands when she jumped.

nanny two was bawling with the brown baby. the brown baby was still and looked at
nanny two’s protuberant mouth.

nanny one heated brown powder in foil with a lighter

nanny three shook the white baby and passed it to nanny four. nanny four shook the baby and passed it to nanny five. nanny five shook the baby and passed it to nanny
six who had come in to relief nanny one and two and three. she shook the baby and passed it to nanny 7 who had come in to relief nanny one two and three and passed it to nanny 8 who had come in to relief nanny one two and three and passed it to nanny four who shook the baby and passed it to nanny five who shook the baby and passed it  to
nanny six who shook the baby and passed it to nanny 7 who shook the baby and passed it to nanny 8.

y interrogated the nannies. the nannies liked to be questioned and y liked to question.when the nannies responded y cut them off when he thought the response
was pointless. the nannies forgot who they were and who they wanted to be. they became like y who was a question.

the one white baby who was now a white professional was caned by nanny one.
the one white baby who was now a white professional was caned by nanny two.
the one white baby who was now a white man professional was caned by nanny three.
the one white baby who was now a white professional was caned by nanny four.
the one white baby was now a white professional was caned by nanny five.
the one white baby who was now a white professional was caned by nanny six.
the one white baby who was now a white professional was canned by nanny seven.
the one white baby who was now a white professional was canned by nanny eight.