Directed and Edited by Jonathan Krauth
Producer/Art Director: Michelle Allan
Sound Recording/Editing: Yonny Vizcaya

The Belle Game are a 7 piece band originally formed to play a show at the Railway Club in 2009. Since then the group has expanded with some members living in Vancouver and some in Montreal.

The whole band was together in Vancouver on March 19th and we met up with them to film a session in Portside park…. then things got tricky. Our location was lacking electricity and The Belle Game needed to power their keys.

We moved our location and 4 vehicles full of people and gear to the top of a bridge at the end of Main st. Ironwork Studio was kind enough to let us hang our 100 foot extension cord over the bridge and plugged us in! It was a bit of a hectic beginning but The Belle Game’s poetic lyrics and layered sounds brought everything together in the end.