Untitled I Hated The Pretty Flower For Being Pretty And Not Hearing me
UncategorizedGoofy British guy, the good looking young man said. He was researching. He’s into all these pictures yea.
I was only getting parts of what the young man was saying.
I’ve grown to like him, the young man said.
I went to a show with him and Alex, the young good looking woman said.
There is T, he said.
They giggled and finished each others sentences.
Sunbathe, the young man said.
I looked at the couple. First at the girl and then at the boy. I felt like crying.
They were very young and beautiful and blond. I didn’t feel they were different from myself nor did I feel they were like myself. I didn’t care to think about their sex life. The young man reminded me of a psychiatrist. The doc had said I would have been dead had I not seen him. I thought he had appealed to my vanity. It had felt like I was dying but I wasn’t convinced.
My life was halfway over. I still felt the need to do something even if it was bad.
I had a friend who was a dirty blond and dyed his hair blonder. He sucked my dick and liked it. I felt ashamed about it and shunned him.
He has a hard time, the young man said.
They laugh.
That’s a very cool combination, the young man said.
The young man hushed his talk. He talked about his band. He’s going to play lead guitar.
It’s all you need, she said. They laugh
What kind of vocalist are you thinking of, she said.
Kind of British, he said.
Oh, she said.
I couldn’t hear what they were saying. It hurt me when I looked at them. I forced myself
to look at them. It was like I was looking into the sun. Tears ran down my face.I felt overly tall and overweight. My fore head looked like a bolder with a receding hairline.
I’m a freak, I said. I didn’t want to scare them.
They looked like a porcelain flower. It disgusted me that I hated the pretty flower for being pretty and not hearing me.
My father was a bitter man. When he was manic he despoiled the strand with his inappropriate behavior.
The young woman had yellow hair. She had firm medium sized breasts. The young man would never have success as a musician even though I had never heard him play. He looked like he would be a fine young professional one day. He would never be an eavesdropper like myself who was purportedly interested in how sound travels.
This jacket needs a strap for the shoulder, said the young man.
For when you want to use it as a purse, she said.
It is too British for me, he said.
yeah, she said.
He carried a long black case with an instrument in it.