UncategorizedI’m at GB. Alex asked why I haven’t been there in awhile. She left Portland to go to
South California for a large batch of marijuana.I would like to see her. It is
odd not to see her. I feel she won’t deal with me if I don’t have a drink at GB when she
is working. I feel like I’d do anything for her, even though I don’t feel I need her. I flirt with the idea of her using me like one of those victims who kills or dies for his woman. It feels indecent to be with her when she doesn’t want me as badly as I want
her. I miss completing her thoughts. She has mental blocks like myself.
I love how Lorn plays with my nipples. I never allow anyone to touch them.
They are sensitive. She didn’t answer my message on Facebook.
I think I took two pills instead of the one. I usually remember how I took my pill
which is not unlike how I take it everyday so I don’t always know if I’m simply
remembering what I do everyday and not what I did the day before.
I think Amber is a healer. She’s reluctant to call herself one. She grabbed my hand
and pulled at it and I felt an energy that looked white to me.
When she placed me in between her legs and I leaned back she prodded my
torso and chest and I immediately felt relaxed.
I refused to go with her to karaoke after she said that Bill Gates had asked
her to cure him. I thought I should be cautious. I don’t necessarily care if she has delusions.
I don’t think she is dangerous and I should be able to overpower her if she loses
I want to get her to talk openly about her ideas about healing.
I feel hot. I think I took too many pills. I have another half hour to kill.